EPA Identification Numbers
A generator must have an EPA ID number before storing, treating, disposing of, transporting, or offering to transport hazardous waste.
A generator can obtain an EPA ID by submitting the RCRA Subtitle C Site Identification Form (EPA Form 8700-12). EPA Form 8700-12 contains such information as the name and address of the generator, the industrial sector in which the generator belongs, the name of a facility contact, and the type of waste activities that take place at the facility. Without an EPA ID, a generator cannot store, treat, dispose of, transport, or offer to transport its hazardous waste. Not only must the generator have an EPA ID, but the generator must verify that any outside companies or individuals that handle the generator's hazardous waste (including those that store, treat, or dispose of the waste) also have an EPA ID.
To ensure that records are kept up-to-date over time, RCRA now requires SQGs to submit EPA Form 8700-12 to EPA or an authorized state program beginning in 2021 and every four years thereafter. By doing so, generators "re-notify" EPA to update their site information or confirm that the information remains accurate. SQGs must submit EPA Form 8700-12 by September 1 of each year in which re-notifications are required. LQGs must re-notify EPA by March 1 of each even-numbered year. They do so by completing and submitting the LQG's Biennial Report, as the Site Identification Form is part of the Biennial Report submission.
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