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Canada Road & Rail Transport - Danger Placard

The display of a DANGER placard is not mandatory, but if the placard is not displayed, compliance with the requirements for marking large means of containment is required and the primary class placards for the dangerous goods must be displayed. However, compliance with the requirements for marking large means of containment is always required for dangerous goods that are not allowed to be identified by the DANGER placard but that may be loaded into the same large means of containment.

A DANGER placard rather than any other required placard is permitted to be displayed on a large means of containment under the following conditions:

  • The large means of containment contains two or more dangerous goods that require different placards
  • The dangerous goods loaded into the large means of containment are contained in two or more small means of containment

An exception is that if a road vehicle or railway vehicle to be transported by vessel contains a flammable gas. In this case, the flammable gas placard must be displayed on the road vehicle or railway vehicle.

The DANGER placard is not allowed to be displayed on a large means of containment for any of the following dangerous goods:

  • Those that have a gross mass greater than 1,000 kilograms, are included in the same class, and are offered for transport by one consignor
  • Those that require an Emergency Response Assistance Plan
  • Those included in Class 1, Explosives
  • Those included in Class 2.3, Toxic Gases
  • Those included in Class 4.3, Water-reactive Substances
  • Those included in Class 5.2, Organic Peroxides, Type B, liquid or solid, that require a control or emergency temperature
  • Those included in Class 6.1, Toxic Substances, that are subject to special provision 23
  • Those included in Class 7, Radioactive Materials, that require a Category III - Yellow label

When the DANGER placard is permitted to be displayed on a large means of containment, it may continue to be displayed in place of any other placard until the large means of containment no longer contains any of the dangerous goods identified by that placard.

To learn more about Transporting Dangerous Goods in Canada visit our Transporting Dangerous Good by Road & Rail Online Training web page.



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